Rotaviruses, especially the species Rotavirus A (RVA), are worldwide distributed enteric pathogens with high prevalence and pathogenicity in humans and variety of animals. The evidence for frequent intersections between the evolution of human and animal rotaviruses has been well documented. However the research on animal RVA strains is significantly lagging, especially on strains originating in wildlife.

7 Work Packages
32 activities
5 training courses
web page
dissemination activities
lectures for students
“Open Reco” event
press conference
6 national conferences
5 international conferences
6 papers

Image/CDC/Jessica A. Allen/Alliza Eckerd
About rotavirus
Reoviridae (genus Rotavirus)
9+1 species (RVA predominant)
binary classification G/P
dsRNA, 18.5 kb
segmented genome – reassortment
zoonotic potential