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Reco team has new members

Reco team has two new members, Željko Pavlinec and Rok Kogoj. Željko is working at Croatian Veterinary Institute and he is a molecular biologist with experience in molecular virology and bacteriology. His research interests include the application of Nanopore sequencing technology. Rok is a microbiologist working at Institute of Microbiology and Immunology (IMI), Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His research interests include the application of NGS. Željko and Rok, will contribute primarily in the application of NGS and data analysis with the participation of Andrej Steyer and Tomaž Mark Zorec (IMI, Slovenia). We would like to use this opportunity and thank our previous team members who left, Ivana Šimić and Alen Kovačević, and wish them all the best in their future work.




Grant: Croatian Science Foundation - Installation research project. 2018-2023
Value: HRK 2,4 mil (€ 320.000)
Leading institution: Croatian Veterinary Institute
Project leader: Dragan Brnić, DVM, PhD

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